Saturday, August 01, 2009

Why is this so hard for me?

As you can see I have not posted since January. I had every good intention of posting to my blog but fail to do so because I think my posts will not interest other readers. I have continued to visit the cross stitch BBs that I frequent. Unfortunately the traffic on those BBs is quite low compared to what it was 2 or 3 years ago. We all have only a certain amount of time and I suspect as more of us blog we spend less time on the BBs.

I like the BBs because they are like a multiperson conversations. Blogs feel very one way to me. I know that people who read your blog can comment but I rarely get a comment so I feel like I am talking to myself. On the BB if I post a progress pic or a happy dance you usually get at least a few people who comment. Or if you have a question you can usually get an answer. The blog is a great way for me to express my opinions about something or dispay pictures or updates on my work but is not necessarily the best way to have a conversation.

I 've decide to try again beacause there was a thread on one of the BBs asking for our blog URL and because some said she had gone out and read my blog. I felt bad because it was so out of date. So I added my blog address to the list and said I would start to blog again.

My cross stitch goal for this year was to finish 10 projects. In previous years I have had more specific goals and have not succeeded. This felt comfortable. I am on track to complete 10 projects this year. So far I have completed 6. The last two were Deco Spirits- Fire panel by Mirabilia and Christmas is Forever by Lizzie Kate. Pictures of those two are posted above.


Erin (moviemuse) said...

Sylvia! So good to "see" you. Are you on The Wagon BB? It's usually fairly active. Perhaps not like it used to be, but still quite chatty. Most of the "old TWBB" folks are there. We miss you!

Ineke said...

Could it be the summer that causes less activity on the BBs? Visiting blogs does take time, but I find it is also very inspiring! So many different pics, ideas and opinions!

Sylvia said...

Thanks for your comments. Yes I go to the wagon BB, the TWBB, the Rotation BB and Needle and Thread BB. You are right that summer might be lighter because people are on vacation and busy with outdoor activities.