Thursday, January 04, 2007

Clean Start

I am off from work this week which is another way of saying I am working at home. I am very focused this week on cleaning my house. I am not a person who enjoys housekeeping but I like the end result; a clean, organized, and uncluttered environment. Clutter makes me nervous but clutter is a natural result of a busy family life. I am one of those people that believes that there is a place for everything and everything should be in its place. If I don't have a place for it I should consider finding another home for it. I have been turning out closets, bookshelves, and cabinets. The donation pile is growing. I have been washing baseboards and scrubbing floors. Although I still have a ways to go my house is looking good and smells so clean. What a good feeling and what a great way to start off the year.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A New Beginning...

I always love the first day of the year. A day to reflect on what you have done and what you have left undone in the previous year. A day to create plans for the new set of 365 days stretching out before you as yet unmarred. I have taken advantage of today to review my 2006 goals and see how much I accomplished and then launched into the development of my 2007 goals. Goals must present a challenge and mine certainly do. I look forward to trying to accomplish every single one. In addition to my 12 general life goals I also came up with six needlework goals. I will post these goals for 2007 here but I also posted my 101 Tasks in 1001 Days list in an earlier post. Although I created my task list in July of 2006 I never got around to posting it. Well now I have committed myself here as well as on some yellow legal paper in my breifcase.

So what are my goals for 2007? Here goes:
General Goals:
  1. Continue to build on my relationship with DH.
  2. Stay connected to my family, build these relationships and build new friendships.
  3. Develop a consistent journaling habit as a way to reflect: blog & book.
  4. Reevaluate my commitments, be realistic, & be reliable in those I choose to keep.
  5. Exercise regularly (aerobic and weights) & improve my flexibility (yoga)
  6. Take care of my health: see the doctor & dentist, change my eating habits, and get down to 150 lbs.
  7. Continue to decorate and improve our home.
  8. Clean out the junk in our home & organize: commons, closets, and basement.
  9. Organize my office.
  10. Do some financial planning.
  11. Continue to develop my collaborative teaching techniques.
  12. Develop my scholarship and refine UG Coordinator role.

Needlework Goals:
1. Get my x-stitch WIP number down to five. My existing WIPS are:
Dragon Ride
Christmas Tree Mandala
Dragon Virtues Afghan (January – May)
Renaissance Bookmark (TWRR)
Deco Spirit-Fire (Mira- RR)
Michael Powell’s Venice Street Scene
Mini Mandala Garden I #2
Celestial Scissor Fob (January)
Autumn Sampler
Needlepoint Leaves
2. Finish all completed needlework.
3. Finish the quilt for Eric.
4. Stitch polar fleece throws.
5. Do all mending and do some home sewing.
6. Learn some more knitting or crocheting and do one project.

101 Tasks in 1001 Days

The Mission: To complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work and growth on my part)

Why 1001 Days?
We often create lists of goals such as New Year's resolutions which we don’t achieve. One reason is that we procrastinate. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.

2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.

3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.

4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.

5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

Start Date: July 25, 2006

End Date: April 20, 2009

Items in bold are completed.


  1. Have a regular date night with DH
  2. Call or email my father, Lin & Wilfred once /week In Progress
  3. Take Erica to the Art Museum
  4. Teach Eric how to cook
  5. Teach Eric how to do laundry
  6. Remember to send out cards every month ( b’days, anniversaries, etc)


  1. Develop habit of aerobic exercise 3 days/week
  2. Develop habit of weight training 2 days/week
  3. Practice yoga or relaxation techniques daily
  4. Lose weight: target 1=150; target 2 =130
  5. Take care of my teeth; go to the dentist
  6. Schedule annual mammogram, gyn, & physical exams


  1. Redo our walk-in closet
  2. Redo Erica’s closet
  3. Power wash & stain deck
  4. Install a new dishwasher
  5. Seal basement walls
  6. Clean out & organize basement
  7. Refinish Erica’s Dresser
  8. Build file cabinet
  9. Organize files in lateral file drawers and new file drawers
  10. Replace kitchen countertops
  11. Have mulberry tree cut down and landscape yard
  12. Have roof replaced
  13. Make or buy drapes for family room
  14. Buy dining room furniture - We decided to use the dining room for the pool table
  15. Buy table & chairs for eat in kitchen area
  16. Decorate downstairs rooms (Library & Family Room) In Progress
  17. Decorate upstairs bedrooms In Progress
  18. Redo Kid’s Bathroom
  19. Install tile floors on first floor
  20. Redo powder room
  21. Replace front outdoor light fixtures


  1. Cross stitch at least 5 days per week -In Progress
  2. Finish Dragon Virtues Afghan WIP
  3. Finish Story Teller WIP
  4. Finish Dragon Ride WIP
  5. Finish Stretch WIP
  6. Finish Autumn Sampler WIP
  7. Finish Celestial Scissor Fob WIP
  8. Finish Christmas Tree Mandala WIP
  9. Finish Renaissance Bookmark (TWRR) WIP
  10. Finish Deco Spirit-Fire (Mira- RR) WIP
  11. Finish Michael Powell’s Venice Street Scene WIP
  12. Finish Michael Powell’s Spanish Cottage
  13. Finish Mini Mandala Garden I #2 WIP
  14. Finish Needlepoint Leaves WIP
  15. Finish Mini Mandala Garden I #3
  16. Stitch Ministrel
  17. Finish LKRR & Hang
  18. Finish all Christmas ornaments
  19. Go to one needlework event /year - 2006 = CSNF; 2007 = none
  20. Finish quilt for Eric
  21. Sew three polar fleece throws
  22. Learn to knit and crochet
  23. Go to American Sewing Guild Meeting and decide whether to join
  24. Go to Thursday night Stitch Along at GTN at least once/month
  25. Organize a RAK 1X/year 2006 done; 2007 done;


  1. Develop collaborative/blended curriculum for 351 In Progress
  2. Develop collaborative/blended curriculum for 515 In Progress
  3. Revise layout & content of 515 lab manual
  4. Revise layout & content of 342 lab manual
  5. Develop Freshman Seminar Curriculum & Speaker Series -2006 Done


  1. Develop three articulation agreements for our Networking degree - 2 are done
  2. Develop workshop for High School Counselors
  3. Develop workshop for Community Colleges
  4. Rewrite ANSA Student Handbook
  5. Write handbook for prospective students
  6. Write Handbook for Security BS
  7. Revamp 340-341-342 sequence to two courses and implement
  8. Develop networking minor & get it approved
  9. Work with gaming faculty to develop networking content their BS
  10. Develop & document support agreements with SE, CS, & IT
  11. Develop and execute curricular changes that distinguish our degrees
  12. Develop presentation to admissions on ANSA
  13. Develop presentation to admissions on IS&F


  1. Write three papers on collaborative learning, experiential learning or blended learning
  2. Join ACM SIGITE & join curriculum committee
  3. Read three books on curriculum or pedagogy:


  1. Learn Java Programming
  2. Learn C++
  3. Learn how to use all features of myCourses
  4. Learn how to use Breeze In Progress
  5. Learn Cyber Self Defense Curriculum & teach it
  6. Participate in Faculty Learning Community
  7. Learn how to customize my blog
  8. Take a research methods course
  9. Take and pass the CCNA certification exam
  10. Learn how to operate/pgm a PDA


  1. Develop the habit refection using a written journal or my blog daily
  2. Engage in activities to develop my spirituality
  3. Support my church by serving on committees, teaching Sunday school - In progress
  4. Clean out & organize my office
  5. Research graduate programs in curriculum development
  6. Sell surplus Stash on ebay
  7. Volunteer at LPGA each year- 2006 Done ;2007 done; 2008 done; 2009 done
  8. Take golf lessons
  9. Participate in a women’s golf league at once
  10. Try Netflix & evaluate
  11. Evaluate Time Warner All – in – One and change ISPs
  12. Organize & document bill paying

My New Years Journey

I have not posted many entries over the last year and I hope to change that this coming year. 2006 was a wonderful year but I have not taken the time to record the wonders large and small of my year. I spend a great deal of time reflecting on my life in my head (while I am cross stitching) and never commit my thoughts to paper or to this electronic medium. Most of my reflections go unshared hence my husband's complaint that he never knows what I am thinking. So this year I am going to make a bigger effort to share my feelings and thoughts through this journal and perhaps by writing them down I will also be better able to share my thoughts verbally with those I love. In order to be successful I will initially have to make an appointment with myself each day to record my reflections until it becomes a habit or ritual.

I often wonder what my children will remember of me and realize that in many ways they will not really know me beause I haven't taken the time to share myself in any detail. They know I love them and take care of them but do they know how they took my breath away when I first looked at them? Do they know how I swell with pride at their every accomplishment?

My younger son never ceases to amaze me. He quietly sets goals and procedes to accomplish them. Perhaps in this way he is like me. I am never quite sure how seriously he takes things and then find that when it counts he takes things very seriously. That although he doesn't always tackle every situation with as much time as I would like him to he is taking care of it.

My daughter is finding out more about herself and her talents everyday and it is fun to watch her blossom. She shares her optimism and enthusiam for life with anyone who wants it. She lives life energetically. She's dramatic. She's shy. She's more talented and wonderful than she knows. She can also be very direct and blunt. She's a wonderful artist and a great storyteller. I am enjoying watching her move with great deliberation toward her goals.

My older son has recently become a father and launched me into grandparenthood about five years earlier than I expected to be there. As I watch him with his son I can see how he has matured and taken on this awesome responsibilty with grace and enthusiam. He is crafting his adult life around his family and as the circle of life continues we have pulled closer together. After the years of pulling away to become his own person it is wonderful to have him back again.

I am so very thankful for my wonderful husband and children and so very proud of all of them. What a great way to start out the new year, reflecting about those people closest to you and giving thanks for all the love in my life.